Fiberglass Polymer Composite Resurfacing – Polymer Solution to Pool Finish Challenges

Fiberglass Polymer Composite Resurfacing – Polymer Solution to Pool Finish Challenges

Fiberglass Polymer Composite Resurfacing – Polymer Solution to Pool Finish Challenges

Excerpt from Aqua Magazine featuring our Expert Specifying / Corrosion Engineer Peter Gibson Polymer Composite A Polymer Solution to Pool Finish Challenges Fiberglass Polymer Composite Resurfacing By Eric Herman, Senior Editor The pool and spa industry desperately needs a new interior-finish alternative, at least according to coatings specialist and inventor Peter Gibson. He passionately believes the inherently

Benefits of Glass Fiber Reinforcement in Resin

Glasscoat Reinforcement in Resin What Are the Benefits of Glass Fiber Reinforcement in Resin? By Peter Gibson Our Expert Specifying / Corrosion Engineer Ten benefits of using glass fiber reinforcement in resin are: It improves the thermal stabilization of the coating It improves the mechanical properties Reduces moisture permeation of the coating Extends coating life

Fiberglass Swimming Pools – Pool Resurfacing Facts

Fiberglass Pool Resurfacing What You Should Know About Pool Resurfacing By Peter Gibson Our Expert Specifying / Corrosion Engineer The time has arrived to resurface your pool. Today, the pool owner has more choices. Historically, plaster was the standard method, but due to long-term performance advantages, pool owners are increasingly utilizing fiberglass. It is important

Why is Fiberglass the Best Choice for Swimming Pool Resurfacing?

Why Fiberglass Pool Technology? Swimming Pool Resurfacing Topic: Fiberglass Pool Technology By Peter Gibson Our Expert Specifying / Corrosion Engineer Here are nine reasons why fiberglass is the best choice for pool resurfacing: Fiberglass is the material that has modernized swimming pool renovation. It is the idea way to contain water. This material is well

Fiberglass Swimming Pool Case Study

Fiberglass Case Study Topic: Fiberglass Swimming Pool Resurfacing By Peter Gibson Our Expert Specifying / Corrosion Engineer Fiberglass provides a long-lasting solution to surface problems and eliminates the need for acid washing, painting, and re-plastering. These fiberglass linings are not subject to degradation like conventional materials, including vinyl liners. Fiberglass can be applied to steel,

Fiberglass Pool Resurfacing – How Does It Work?

Fiberglass Pool Resurfacing Excerpt from Aqua Magazine featuring our Expert Specifying / Corrosion Engineer Peter Gibson FIBERGLASS POLYMER – HOW IT WORKS By Peter Gibson A fiberglass resurfacing polymer lining system is applied as a liquid and upon curing, it conforms to the shape of the concrete structure, steel or existing fiberglass structure. There is no need

Fiberglass Pool Resurfacing – The Fiberglass Revolution

keywords: pool composite fiberglass pool resurfacing Excerpt from Aqua Magazine featuring our Expert Specifying / Corrosion Engineer Peter Gibson The Composite Materials Revolution Fiberglass Pool Resurfacing By Peter Gibson Have you ever wondered why boats and surfboards are made of fiberglass? You don’t need to be a materials scientist to recognize that fiberglass is the containment material

Fiberglass Swimming Pool – 3 Benefits

keywords: fiberglass swimming pool 3 Benefits of a Fiberglass Swimming Pool By Peter Gibson Our Expert Specifying / Corrosion Engineer There are numerous benefits of resurfacing your current pool and spa with fiberglass. Here are three: Low Maintenance – Fiberglass pools are easier to maintain, compared to a concrete swimming pool. Compatible with Salt Chlorine

Why Glasscoat

GLASSCOAT POOL RESURFACING Why Glasscoat is the Best Choice Fiberglass Technology GLASSCOAT is the material that has modernized pool refinishing. It is the ideal material to contain water. This material is well known for corrosion resistance, low life-cycle cost, no periodic maintenance, and long service life. GLASSCOAT is inert and imparts waterproofing properties for cracked/leaking

Pool Resurfacing Techniques – Comparative Analysis of Plaster and Glasscoat

POOL RESURFACING TECHNIQUES -COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF PLASTER & GLASSCOAT PLASTER POOL CONDITIONS GLASSCOAT As plaster wears, roughnessincreases. Quartz and pebbleplaster becomes rough with age. ROUGH SURFACES Glasscoat is always smooth.No scratched feet. Any substantial pool movementcan cause cracks and leaks. STRUCTURAL CRACKS Adds structural strength to pool shell. Prevents leaking. Little resistance to stains and

Glasscoat Resurfacing

Glasscoat Resurfacing – The Superior Material to Restore Your Pool’s Surface Glasscoat resurfacing has a proven track record in severe industrial corrosion environments. Glasscoat is the most often specified material by aquatic consultants for commercial pool resurfacing and aquatic facility restoration.  Glasscoat eliminates: Cracks and leaks Algae and staining Rough surfaces Discoloration High chemical usage

Glasscoat Multi Layer Coating System

The Glasscoat Multi-Layer Technology Explained SPRAY APPLICATION WITH PRECISION… STATE OF THE ART EQUIPMENT GLASSCOAT is unlike conventional fiberglass. Glasscoat is a spray applied application. The glass fiber reinforcement/resin is concurrently sprayed using sophisticated high-output plural component equipment. The sprayed method offers many technical advantages over the hand-applied method. GLASSCOAT is widely specified by aquatic

Fiberglass Characteristics Overview

Fiberglass Characteristics Overview Fiberglass glasscoat pool resurfacing offers many benefits such as: Corrosion resistant and waterproofing properties Structural–repairs cracks and leaks. High strength, flexibility, and crack bridging properties Low life-cycle cost Much longer service life than competing materials Virtually no periodic maintenance Excellent aesthetic retention over service life Better warranty compared to competing materials Written

The Glasscoat Guarantee

Glasscoat – Guaranteed to Outlast & Outperform Other Materials APPEARANCE A beautiful, sparkling look. The glasscoat surface permanently remedies a dull, lackluster appearance, and instantly improves the pool’s appeal DURABILITY A long lasting solution to surface problems. Glasscoat eliminates other materials’ need for acid washing, painting and replastering. Glasscoat is not subject to degradation like